Annual General Meeting 2022

 Registration is closed for this event


1.    Opening of the AGM by Dennis Chadbourne, the President in office.
2.    Appointment of the Chair of the meeting
3.    Appointment of the Secretary of the meeting
4.    Approval of the agenda
5.    Approval of the minutes of the December 4th 2021 General Meeting
6.    Nomination of Board Members and possible voting process
7.    Board Member Activity Reports since December 2021 and Proposed plans for 2023 and beyond
8.    Varia
9.    Closing of the General Meeting

Pause for 5 minutes

10.    Presentation by Past President Carla Marcelis: Update on Honduras
11.    Presentation by Martine Jourde:

  • 2nd and 3rd Line course starting early 2023;
  • Preparation course and launching of invitation to an Integrative inter-professional workshop in Cuba (end of march 2023) 

12.    Exchange and dialogue

19 11 2022 from 09:00 to 13:00